Immunology - how you can boost your immunity

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The medical study of immune systems in humans, animals, plants, and other sapient species is what immunology is all about. Immunology is both a field of medicine and a branch of biology. The primary diseases that can be caused by a weak immune system are rheumatoid arthritis, inflammation, autoimmune diseases, hypersensitive immune dysfunction, and immunodeficiency. An immunologist is a doctor who knows how to find problems with the immune system and treat them.

In response to an unknown trigger, it is possible that the immune system could start making antibodies that attack the body's own tissues instead of fighting off infections - this is called autoimmune diseases and conditions. A weakened immune system makes a person more likely to get sick because it makes the body less able to defend itself against foreign substances.

Autoimmune Conditions

The immune system produces antibodies that attach themselves to the linings of the joints. This is what makes rheumatoid arthritis unique as the immune system's cells attack the joints, leading to inflammation, swelling, and pain. If you don't treat rheumatoid arthritis, your joints will wear out slowly and imminently for good. Rheumatoid arthritis can be treated effectively with a number of different drugs that can be taken by mouth or injected directly into a vein.

Systemic lupus is different from other types of lupus because it causes the body to make antibodies that can attach to tissues causing inflammation and tissue damage. The joints, lungs, blood cells, nerves, and kidneys are most often affected in people with lupus. Prednisolone, which is an oral steroid that stops the immune system from working, is usually given every day as an acute treatment for effective immediate relief of symptoms. These are but a few of the serious complications that can be the result of a faulty immune system.

Remedial Options 

The idea of making your immune system more robust is appealing, but it isn’t as easy as it seems. The immune system is not a single entity, to function well, harmony is required. There is still much that researchers don't know about the intricacies and interconnectedness of the immune response. The best thing you can do to naturally keep your immune system functioning optimally is to follow general rules for good health. 

Here are a few examples of lifestyle choices that can aid in boosting your immune system:

  • Don't smoke
  • Eat a diet with foods rich in antioxidants(foods rich in antioxidants?)
  • Exercise regularly
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Get adequate sleep
  • Take steps to avoid infection, such as washing your hands frequently and cooking meat thoroughly
  • Try to minimise stress

Keep current with all the recommended vaccines. Vaccines prime your immune system to fight off infections before they take hold in your body. Many products on store shelves are intended to boost or support immunity by supplementing the body to generate immune cells.

Immune system soldiers need good food on a regular basis to stay healthy and ready to fight off infections. There is some evidence that a lack of zinc, selenium, iron, copper, folic acid, and vitamins B6, C, and E, among other micronutrients, can cause autoimmune responses.

A wide variety of maladies, including an upset stomach, hives, and even heart disease, are linked to the effects of emotional stress. Despite the challenges, scientists are actively studying the relationship between stress and immune function. 

After the recent pandemic, the study of Immunology has become more significant than ever before. The primary diseases that a weak immune system can cause can be used to identify antibodies for future generations. 


The good news is that you can get tips to help prevent and treat autoimmune diseases by contacting Housecall for the best advice, referrals, medical care and pharmaceutical needs in UAE - all in the comfort of your home.

Book a consultation with your primary care doctor today.